For most people looking for repair information it's important to understand the limits as well as the risks of home ingrown toenail solutions and the answer of how to play the role of a doctor and mend your wounds can not necessarily be safely done by simply watching a video or studying an ingrown toenail photo series that you find in a textbook or online.
If you're going to see a doctor depending on your finances you may want to do a little research before your visit on the costs of ingrown toenail removal so that you're not later blindsided when a bill arrives that exceeds your expectations.
If you want to try some simple home style remedies like applying an ingrown toenail brace, getting a pain reliever like Outgro, or an antibacterial application like Tea Tree oil those are all potentially worthwhile avenues worth exploring that can be used in conjunction with one another. To reiterate when it comes to ingrown toenail repair the various treatments aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.
Regardless of what home remedies you're experimenting with if the area become inflamed or shows signs of infection go see a health care professional immediately to avoid making your situation even worse.