Now a far as preventive ingrown toenail solutions go it's important to think about the old saying that says "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." What this means is that a minimal amount of effort in the way of doing a couple of simple things to decrease the likelihood of getting ingrown toenails can result in saving you lot of time and more importantly pain and suffering should you be unfortunate enough to get another ingrown toenail or even your first.
The most widely recommended technique by foot doctors is to clip your toenails often (but not too often) in a flat manner as opposed to the curved nature of fingernail clipping. Look at the picture below to get a visual idea of what the straight and curved cutting looks like.

The odd part is that many of us when first taught to cut our nails and maintain them aren't properly warned about the potential dangers of neglecting this seeming mundane task.
Be diligent in your efforts to maintain a healthy foot and hopefully you'll never find yourself in desperate need of ingrown toenail solutions.