The most important thing to keep in mind when constructing your own homemade toenail brace (which most doctors would highly discourage doing unless you found yourself on a deserted island without access to professional medical care) is that sanitization of absolutely essential. The worse mistake a well-meaning individual can do when trying to treat their own injuries is to use tools and instruments and in this case braces that have not been at minimum boiled in hot water to eliminate as many potential infection causing germs as possible.
The concept behind the homemade toenail brace above is that by pulling on both sides of the toenail in a manner that is not overly stressful the pain inflicted with sensitive skin and sharp nail contact is reduced and in some cases eliminated all together.
For serious issues this will not result in an effective long term solution but in some circumstances this amount of resourcefulness can be a creative short term solution.
To see a simply video on how this process works from an Ohio based clinic feel free to check out this link: here.